Not only cure UTI, drinking cranberry juice is also beneficial for heart health
You must have heard a lot of healthy benefits of berries for your body. Ranging from strawberries are high in vitamin C that can boost the immune system until raspberries are rich in antioxidants.
Illustration of cranberry juice. © Hofacker |
Besides strawberries, cranberries are also many known to the public. If you have just heard that cranberry juice can cure diseases UTI or urinary tract infections, it is a study that was launched from found another benefit of cranberry juice. The benefits of drinking this juice is able to nourish and strengthen your heart.
"Cranberry fruit is very high in compounds called polyphenols. This substance is able to support your body's natural defense system. Some studies have shown that these substances can reduce bad cholesterol in the body and reduce the occurrence of inflammation in the body," explains Christina Khoo, researchers from Sciences at Ocean Spray.
"We found that cranberry juice can reduce the risk of heart disease 10% lower and 15% lower for the disease stroke," he continued. "In addition to cranberry, some fruit high in polyphenols substances are blueberries, grapes, and cherries."
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