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7 Health problems due to lack of drinking water

Scientific facts about the side effects of lack of drinking water

Water plays an important role in the health of the body. Similarly, the excess of drinking water, lack of water intake can cause many health problems. During this time people think that less water can be harmful to the kidneys. But actually not only a kidney disease that could arise as a result of lack of drinking. There are many other health problems that you can experience because of lack of drinking water.

side effects of lack of drinking water, side effects of, lack of drinking water
side effects of lack of drinking water
image source drinking water by © Bgsu.edu

Here are some health problems that can arise if you do not meet the needs of body fluids, as reported by Health Site

1. Loss of salt and fluids
Less drinking can make the body lacks salt and body fluids. The body can not function properly without the levels of essential fluids and salts are important. Lack of salt and fluids can cause several conditions such as dry mouth, dry eyes, and dehydration which can lead to fatal health problems.

2. Increased blood pressure
Hypertension is very common in people who lack a liquid or dehydrated. When the cell body of water shortage, the body will give a signal to the brain to release a chemical called vasopressin. This substance causes the constriction of blood vessels and trigger high blood pressure.

3. Tiredness
Dehydration and lack of water can lead to fatigue. This is because tissue and cell in the body does not have enough fluids, enzyme activity was slowing down, and prevents the body to produce energy.

4. Digestive problems and constipation
Less water also interfere with the digestive system and can cause constipation. The water needed by the body to process food intake and remove food that can not be digested. Lack of water can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body and constipation. Another problem that could arise is bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, and loss of appetite.

5. Weight gain
Many people who misinterpret thirst with hunger. This makes them eat more and cause weight gain. Other hand, if you meet the needs of the body fluids, metabolism will work with the maximum and help you lose weight.

6. Urinary tract infections
Lack of drinking water can also cause urinary tract infections are painful and serious. Some symptoms such as a burning sensation during urination, back pain, dark urine and turbid, or contains blood.

7. Muscle cramps
Lack of water can lead to cramps. Cramps can occur when a muscle contraction is not getting enough water and sodium in the vicinity. This causes the muscles to become more sensitive and easily cramping.

Those are some health problems that could be caused by a lack of drinking water. Meet the needs of your fluid every day and not to drink less. Not just any kidney problems, lack of drinking water can cause many other problems as above.


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