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Want diet? Here's 5 Tips to control hunger!

5 way control hunger, tips for diet
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This 5 way control hunger!

You can lose weight by controlling hunger that you feel every moment. Want to know how? Here are five effective ways to control hunger, so you do not have easy snacking or overeating 

1. Avoid the trigger 
The longer you avoid trigger foods that can make you overeat, the less likely you are to snacking. 

2. Eating nuts 
"Drinking two glasses of water and eat an ounce of nuts (walnuts or almonds). Within 20 minutes, it can extinguish your craving and reduce your appetite by changing your body chemistry," said Michael F. Roizen, MD. 

3. Toothbrush 
When you want to snack, try to brush your teeth and use mouthwash. "When you have your mouth fresh and clean, you certainly do not want to screw it up," says Molly Gee, RD, of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. 

4. Distract 
"Cravings usually lasts ten minutes," said John Foreyt, PhD, of Baylor College of Medicine. Try to divert your mind on other things such as listening to music, complete the task, meditate or exercise.

5. Changing routines
For example, each set off to the office, you always pass your favorite shop. It makes your establishment wobbly and eventually damaging the diet program that you have lived for some time. You can change the daily routine by passing a new path that makes you not be tempted to cancel your diet.

Here are five effective way to control hunger while you are on a diet program. Good luck! 


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